Sunday, October 2, 2011

Custom Tutorial 4: Admiral Ackbar

For my next custom tutorial I present to you Admiral Ackbar.  I've seen this one done lots of times in other places, so no credit to me on this one.

For this custom you will need white and black acrylic paints, a hobby knife, super glue, and a RS #53 Mon Calamari Mercenary.

First, cut off his blaster.  Try to keep this part if you can.  It might turn out being useful.  I lost mine, but you should try not to.

Then, cut off his right blaster arm at the shoulder.

Trim the arm so that you can reconnect it looking like he has his hand on his hip.  Glue in place.

Paint his outfit white.

Paint his belt and boots black.  You can do some touch-up painting after that, but you don't have to.  Just a hint, for smaller paint applications, try using a toothpick as a paintbrush.

There you go.  A completed Admiral Ackbar custom miniature.  Here's a card for the Universe Ackbar, but I might try to make my own and post it, too.

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