Sunday, October 2, 2011

Custom Tutorial 3: Modded Clone Trooper

Well, today was a very productive day.  I made 3 custom minis, all of which have custom tutorials.  This one is a clone trooper that is supposed to look like it is looking around a corner.

For this custom you will need RotS #8 Clone Trooper Miniature, as well as an hobby knife and super glue.

You need to cut off its helmet and its gun arm at the elbow.

Glue the head on like he is looking over his left shoulder.  You may need to trim either the head or the neck in order for the head to fit back on right.

Then, glue the arm up at an angle.  This too required a little bit of trimming so that the angles would work out.

Congratulations, you have completed your modded clone trooper miniature.  I might end up making a stat card for a 312th Battalion Trooper or something like that.

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