Thursday, July 28, 2011

Dusk of the Republic Preview #1

50th POST!!!!! Anyways, here is my first preview for my custom star wars miniatures set: Dusk of the Republic.  I know you already have the set list but here are the first three cards I have made for the set.

Chi Cho is just a re-card of my Chi Cho from the "Conflict on Orto Plutonia" mini-set.  I picked the recommended mini (Thrawn (Mitth'raw'nuruodo)) because it it chiss.  Chiss are the closest thing in minis to Pantorans.  I chose Thrawn in specific because he is not as useful as Grand Admiral Thrawn (as his switching ally positions CE is what makes him famous) so, as v-sets are used often to bring new use to old characters.

I made this character for two reasons.  Commander Bly is an important clone trooper in the clone wars (okay, not really) and the the Clone Trooper Commander is too perfect of a fit not to take advantage of.  Macrobinoculars was an ability I saw somewhere and liked, so, as Bly is always wearing macrobinoculars, I found it fitting.

Almost every Jedi in the clone wars is a general.  It is only fitting to have a jedi general card.  I used the jedi knight from RotS, because I thought it was a good generic jedi.  CE to represent the general aspect of it.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Dusk of the Republic Set List (Revised)

I just looked up the distribution of the 40-figure sets and have to make some (okay, more than some) revisions to my set list.  There are 8 rares, 8 very rares, 12 commons, and 12 uncommons.  Here are some of the figures from certain rarities.  Most of my ideas were uniques, so since I can only have 16 uniques, I have to make a lot (24+) non-uniques.

VR: Savage Opress
VR: The Father
VR: The Son
VR: The Daughter
VR: Pre Vizsla, Death Watch Leader
VR: Jedi General Di
VR: Captain Tarkin
VR: Mother Talzin
R: Ziro the Hutt
R: Wag Too
R: Riyo Chuchi
R: Thi-Sen
R: Commander Bly
R: Echo, ARC Trooper
R: Nuvo Vindi
R: Goldie, Confederate Spy
C: Clone Cadet
C: Flamethrower Clone Trooper
C: Republic Senator
C: Jedi Commander
C: Tactical Droid
C: Jedi General
C: Sith Nightsister
C: Pantoran Guard
C: Rookie Clone Trooper
C: Mandalorian Police
C: LEP Servant Droid
C: Trandoshan Bounty Hunter
UC: Undead Genonosian
UC: Death Watch Saboteur 
UC: Stealth Clone Trooper
UC: Republic Commando
UC: Trandoshan Hunter
UC: Lurmen
UC: Veteran Clone Trooper
UC: ARC Trooper Commander
UC: ARF Trooper Lieutenant
UC: Death Watch Warrior
UC: Clone Trooper Captian
UC: Count Dooku's Acolyte

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Dusk of the Republic Custom Set

I am going to try to make one huge clone wars-based star wars miniatures set, combining some of my characters from previous sets (with some minor edits), and adding new ones, called Dusk of the Republic.  I might try to get a wizards forum account and post my cards and minis on there, and try to get some costs for my cards.  Otherwise they are kind of useless.  I will add and cut out of bunch of them (probably from Conflict on Orto Plutonia) later.  Here's my set list I'm working out, not in the right order, of course.

  1. Droidbait, Rookie
  2. Echo, Rookie
  3. Hevy, Rookie
  4. Cutup, Rookie
  5. Fives, Rookie
  6. Jedi General Di
  7. Captain Keeli
  8. Pre Vizsla, Death Watch Leader
  9. Thi-Sen
  10. Pantoran Guard
  11. Anakin Skywalker in Cold Weather Gear
  12. Obi-Wan Kenobi in Cold Weather Gear
  13. Captain Rex in Cold Weather Gear
  14. Riyo Chuchi
  15. Chi Cho
  16. Nuvo Vindi
  17. Wag Too
  18. Tee Watt Kaa
  19. Lurmen
  20. Commander Bly
  21. Captain Tarkin
  22. Captain Argyus, Senate Traitor
  23. Trashodan Hunter
  24. Chewbacca, Hunted Wookiee
  25. Ahsoka, Hunted Jedi
  26. Dar, Hunter
  27. Garnac, Hunter
  28. Jek
  29. Thire
  30. Rys
  31. Goldie
  32. Green Company Trooper
  33. Fixer, ARC Trooper
  34. Echo, ARC Trooper
  35. Slick, Confederate Spy
  36. Waxer
  37. Boil
  38. Numa, Twilek Innocent
  39. Commander Fox
  40. Jocasta Nu
  41. Cato Parasitti
  42. Savage Opress
  43. Asajj Ventress, Nightsister
  44. Mother Talzin
  45. The Father
  46. The Son
  47. The Daughter
  48. Dark Anakin
  49. Dark Ahsoka
  50. Pantoran Guard
  51. Undead Geonosian
  52. Jedi General

    Wednesday, July 13, 2011

    Phantom Menace Stats

    I'm on vacation, so I don't have the resources to make the cards, but I did come up with some star wars miniatures stats based on Episode I: The Phantom Menace.

    Anakin Skywalker, The Chosen One

    Faction: fringe

    Podracer Pilot
    Synergy (+6 attack when shmi skywalker is within 6 squares)
    Quick Reactions

    Force 3
    Force Dodge (Force 1, takes no damage from an enemy's attack, save 11)

    I gave him force dodge and quick reactions to represent his using the force through the means that he did.  As a little boy, I thought he should get synergy with his mother, because it only makes sense.

    Shmi Skywalker

    Faction: fringe

    I'm So Proud Of You, Annie (when this character is destroyed an allied Anakin Skywalker gains +10 damage and bloodthirsty)

    I had to make a Shmi after my Anakin, so I decided to give her a quote special ability.  I know its from Episode II, but it was the only good quote.

    The Apprentice

    Faction: sith

    Unique (counts as darth maul)
    Affinity (may be on a separatist squad)
    Melee attack, double attack

    Force 4
    Force Renewal 1
    Lightsaber Block
    Lightsaber Sweep
    Sith Hatred

    Just another Darth Maul with a cooler name.  I got the idea from the fact that at the end of the Phantom Menace, at Jinn's funeral, Yoda and Windu refer to the sith as the "Master and the Apprentice."

    The Master

    Faction: sith

    Unique (counts as darth sidious)
    Affinity (may be on a separatist squad)
    This is my apprentice (if you roll 20 for initiative, you may add 50 points of unique force-using sith)

    Force 5
    Force Renewal 2
    Master of the Force 2
    Force Lightning 5
    Force Lighning 4
    Force Lightning 3

    Same reason for this as the last one.  I decided to represent him without his lightsaber, just force lightning.
    Supreme Chancellor Valorum

    Faction: republic

    Negotiations (this character may make a save of 11, on sucess decline 10 damage from an enemy attack, but you must subtract 10 damage from your next attack on that enemy)

    Followers with diplomat gain negotiations.
    A necessary one for this topic.  I thought the negotiations thing would be an interesting touch: give you opponent life in order to save yourself.


    Faction: fringe

    Podracer Pilot
    Sabotage (deal 20 damage to an allied character with mounted weapon, save 11)

    Allied podracer pilots gain sabotage

    Wouldn't be episode I without sebulba.  I gave him sabotage to represent when he sabotaged Anakin's podracer.  Commander Effect to share his new special ability.

    Podracer Pilot

    Faction: fringe

    Something for Sebulba to influence, as well as my first non-unique.

    Base: Huge

    Faction: fringe

    Mounted Weapon
    Speed 12
    Open cockpit (mounted character can attack and use special abilities while mounted)

    With all my podracer pilots, I needed a podracer.  Mount to represent the fact that people ride in it.  Open cockpit so podracer pilots could use sabotage or attack your opponents podracer.

    I plan on making more: senators, neimoidians, jedi, ect.  I want to make a yoda named Yoda, Cryptic Grandmaster.  Just wait to see what that turns out like.

    Custom Scout Trooper Miniature

    My younger brother decided to make me a custom star wars miniature.  It was a surprise, but I figured it out pretty quick.  He asked me what I wanted to be in star wars and, playing along, I said stormtrooper.  He asked me what type and I said scout trooper.  So he bough some minis, a rebel storm tarkin and scout trooper.  He took the head of the tarkin, repainted it, and put it on the scout trooper, then put the helmet on the ground.  I think he, at age 8, did a good job.  Here are some pics.