Sunday, October 30, 2011

Yet Another Special Ability I Have

Well, I was looking through my posts today and noticed my post titled "New Special Ability I Have".  I am thinking of making a whole custom character of Yoda with all these special abilities representing his confusing-ness.  So here's another special ability.

Lengthy Riddles (Replaces attacks, an enemy character within 2 squares must move at least 24 squares away from where they are now before they can attack, use special abilities, or use force powers, save 6)

"Get this one I do not, either!  Now just feeling left out, I am!"

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Simple Star Wars RPG System (SSWRPGS)

So after various tries, I have developed a experimental version of a simple star wars based RPG, or role playing game: Simple Star Wars RPG System (SSWRPGS).  I have not written an actual rule book yet, so I will just give you a summary of the rules in this post.

You have to choose a GM, or game master, who will control NPCs and enemies, as well as direct the story and guide the players.

The rest of the people are players.  Use the following steps to create a player.
  1. Print out a character sheet here.
  2. Come up with a name and race.  A good star wars name generator is here.
  3. Choose a class there are currently 3 classes: Jedi, Sith, and Soldier.
  4. Fill in this, and all other information other than above, with pencil. Write 1 for the level and the following stats: HP: 10, DEF: 4, ATK: 2, DAM: 0
  5. Use the 10 Skill Points to upgrade your defense and attack. 1 skill point equals one point of attack or defense.
  6. I also recommend starting with a certain amount of credits in your inventory.  500 credits is something to start with.
The attack and defense rules are similar to Star Wars Minis.  Hit Points represent your health and damage determines how many HP are reduced when the attack is successful.  But instead of rolling a d20 for attack, you roll a d6, a regular dice.

Combat turns go like the following.  The player team makes an save of 4.  On a success, they go first.  They activate one character.  The NPC enemies they are in combat with activate a single character or multiple characters.  This depends on the GM's decisions entirely.  To activate a character is to move it its speed, 12 meters unless said otherwise and attack, or vice versa.  The character can move 24 meters if they do not attack.

A character levels up when it has a certain amount of XP, or experience points.  They then get a number of skill points to advance their character, be it improving stats or gaining feats, special abilities that improve your character.

Here's a couple of rules for classes.  Jedi and Sith are required to take the Force Sensitive feat when they create their character, although other classes may take it.  Soldiers are required to take Double Attack.  These feats do cost skill points, but must be taken.  I may and hopefully will add more classes later, but this is what I have for now.

Pretty much everything else is for the players and GM to figure out.  If you have any ideas or suggestions just comment on this post.  I have here a list of some feats and items to start with, but feel free to come up with new ones, and even comment them so I can post them on here.  Some, like Deception are assuming that you use rules that can be seen by reading the feat.  Also, definitions of words like deceive are totally up to the GM.  Now please note that you should probably stay near to the true definition of the word you are working with.  You may have noticed that some of the feats, say Stealth, aren't dealt with in combat.  Some of these may be used while you are just playing, not while you are actually fighting.

Double Attack - 2 skill points; make attack twice if you don't move in your turn
Force Sensitive - 1 skill point; may reroll an attack one every time you activate
Force Choke - 2 skill points; 10 damage to a character you can see within 12 meters, save 4, requires Force Sensitive
Force Push - 2 skill points; move character back 12 meters, requires Force Sensitive
Deception - 1 skill point; make a save of 3, not of 4, to deceive someone
Stealth - 1 skill point; makes a save of 3, not of 4, to avoid detection
Sniper - 1 skill point; may attack from a range of 32

Blaster Rifle - 10 damage, range 24, 
Blaster Pistol - 10 damage, range 20
Lightsaber - +10 damage, melee
Glowrod - Illuminates 10 meters around this character with light

Star Wars - Clone Assault Stop Motion

I have officially released my first Star Wars action figure stop motion animation movie onto YouTube.  It is called Clone Assault, and about two elite clone soldiers attacking and destroying a separatist base.  Comment, like, subscribe, whatever.  So here's the video.  Hope you like it.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Custom Tutorial 5: Clone Trooper Pilot Hawk

Time for today's last star wars miniature custom tutorial: Clone Trooper Pilot Hawk!  I wanted to do something to one of my two GaW clone trooper pilots, so why not give one Hawk's awesome custom helmet.

Hawk custom helmet.jpg

For this custom you will need GaW #20 Clone Trooper Pilot.

Paint the helmet blue like above.

To finish it, paint the red hawks on either side of it.  Mine were just little red blotches, but they turned out okay.

There you go, you now are the owner of the brand new Clone Trooper Pilot Hawk custom miniature.  I might make a card for this one as well.

Custom Tutorial 4: Admiral Ackbar

For my next custom tutorial I present to you Admiral Ackbar.  I've seen this one done lots of times in other places, so no credit to me on this one.

For this custom you will need white and black acrylic paints, a hobby knife, super glue, and a RS #53 Mon Calamari Mercenary.

First, cut off his blaster.  Try to keep this part if you can.  It might turn out being useful.  I lost mine, but you should try not to.

Then, cut off his right blaster arm at the shoulder.

Trim the arm so that you can reconnect it looking like he has his hand on his hip.  Glue in place.

Paint his outfit white.

Paint his belt and boots black.  You can do some touch-up painting after that, but you don't have to.  Just a hint, for smaller paint applications, try using a toothpick as a paintbrush.

There you go.  A completed Admiral Ackbar custom miniature.  Here's a card for the Universe Ackbar, but I might try to make my own and post it, too.

Custom Tutorial 3: Modded Clone Trooper

Well, today was a very productive day.  I made 3 custom minis, all of which have custom tutorials.  This one is a clone trooper that is supposed to look like it is looking around a corner.

For this custom you will need RotS #8 Clone Trooper Miniature, as well as an hobby knife and super glue.

You need to cut off its helmet and its gun arm at the elbow.

Glue the head on like he is looking over his left shoulder.  You may need to trim either the head or the neck in order for the head to fit back on right.

Then, glue the arm up at an angle.  This too required a little bit of trimming so that the angles would work out.

Congratulations, you have completed your modded clone trooper miniature.  I might end up making a stat card for a 312th Battalion Trooper or something like that.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Some Good and Bad News

Well I am going to have to announce the cancellation/postponement of the Dusk of the Republic Set.  I need to work on costing and make better quality cards.  On a brighter note, I have made two new cards: Pre Vizsla, Death Watch Leader and Death Watch Assassin.  These are two of the Mandalorians who appear in the animated Clone Wars TV series.  I have yet to play test them, but when I do I will post any tweak or maybe, just maybe, some squad recommendations.  They are Mandalorian with Separatist affinity.  The assassin pic was cut out in paint so it is not as good as the Vizsla one, but who cares.