Sunday, September 25, 2011

Some Good and Bad News

Well I am going to have to announce the cancellation/postponement of the Dusk of the Republic Set.  I need to work on costing and make better quality cards.  On a brighter note, I have made two new cards: Pre Vizsla, Death Watch Leader and Death Watch Assassin.  These are two of the Mandalorians who appear in the animated Clone Wars TV series.  I have yet to play test them, but when I do I will post any tweak or maybe, just maybe, some squad recommendations.  They are Mandalorian with Separatist affinity.  The assassin pic was cut out in paint so it is not as good as the Vizsla one, but who cares.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Where to Buy Minis

If you are looking to start collecting star wars minis, but can't find anywhere to buy them, this will show you just a few places where you can.   Whenever I want to get a booster pack, I get it from my local target.  They are usally around where other trading cards are.  I'm pretty sure that some Barnes and Nobles have them too.  If you want singles, or can't find these in any stores, here are two online links.  The first is Miniature Market.  I have ordered singles from them several times.  They have messed up orders, but they always fix them very politely.  Figures come in plastic and no plastic.  The second is Troll and Toad.  I have not ordered anything from here, but it seems to have considerably lower prices on lots of minis, compared to Miniature Market.  To start out, I recommend getting a starter set, clone wars or the 2007 starter.  You can buy singles and/or boosters from there.